Statistical Learning in Infants

This video provides a quick overview of statistical learning - an ability of infants to...

Symphony of Sounds

This video will introduce you to some basic explanations of how our brain perceives music...

What is Cognitive Dissonance?

Have you ever gotten an uncomfortable feeling when you're doing something you know you...

Inside the Mind of the Split Brain

This video walks through the internal processes of a split-brain and simplifies the style...

Babies Can Do Statistics?

Breakdown of a possible method that babies use for word segmentation in their language...

Milgram and The Minions

Children's video that provides an overview of the renowned 1963 Milgram experiment by...

3 Minute Introduction to the Tip-of-the-Tongue Phenomenon

This brief educational video introduces the Tip-of-the-Tongue Phenomenon, recommended for...

The Representativeness Heuristic

This video will explain the representativeness heuristic, as defined by Tversky and...

The Misinformation Effect

I will be presenting a recorded crash course on the misinformation effect and its...

Examining the Split Brain

This video discusses the study, “Hemisphere Deconnection and u Unity in Conscious...

The AI Among Us: Can We Detect AI?

How well can you detect AI? Watch this video for a short activity - you might be surprised...

Decoding the Face: Fusiform Face Area (FFA)

How do humans perceive faces? Is there a single neural substrate for face perception?...