

Last but not least, it’s time for the fun presentation time! The students are expected to utilize the powerpoint template and keep their powerpoint up to 8-slides and their presentation under 10 minutes (the time limit can vary based on the size of the class).

Remind the students to keep the powerpoint as simple as possible in order to avoid overwhelming the audience with too much information.


As for grading, students who are not presenting will be grading others’ presentations by submitting their feedbacks through a survey. The peer and instructor’s grading will then be averaged to give a final score. Using Qualtrics (it’s free!), we’ve made a grading survey that grades based on the clarity of the Research Question, Method, and Results. Our survey looked something like this:

Due to the size of the class, we have divided the presentations into 3 days. Since the Day 1 presenters don’t get to learn from others’ presentation and improve upon it, we have given them grade advantage for going on the first day.

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