Section 1: Brainstorming
In the field of linguistics, there are just too many topics to choose from! With a worksheet provided, this section will guide you from brainstorming topics to forming questions into testable hypotheses. After your group has picked a question, make sure to meet up with your instructors to get it approved.
Section 2: Operation
Don’t worry even if you aren’t comfortable using computers! With this guide, you too can use CLAN with ease. At first sight, this step might seem difficult, but after trying out the program you’ll realize this step might be the easiest of all. From learning how to download CLAN and CHILDES corpora, you will also learn how to enter in commands and analyze the transcript. Think of this step as a bridge between entering linguistic transcripts and gauging into children’s linguistic knowledge.
Section 3: Analysis
This step is the implementation phase. You should be able to obtain data by running searches on CHILDES transcripts from the previous step, and now it’s time to understand what the data means and draw conclusions.
Section 4: Presentation
After you find out if the data supports your hypotheses, the last step of this project is to work on presenting your results and writing up the Final Report. This section gives a basic template of how each powerpoint slide should look like, as well as tips and tricks on presenting your project.
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